Site Improvements!

Posted on: November 6th, 2010

Hello There,

My name is Chris and I am the Web Developer and Server Manager for JZ Scott Media’s web presence. I just wanted to inform the visitors of JZ Scott Media that we just moved the site to a new and faster server. As many people know anytime you move, things can go missing or become broken. So if you experience any problems with the site loading or things that just seem broken, just drop me a line in the comments of this article or use the contact form.

Also we are aware of some latency in accessing the site, this is because of three factors:

  • DNS Propagation — The time it takes the rest of the Internet to see the site has moved
  • Hardware Failure at our uplink connection
  • Advertisements

The first two issues will be resolved over the next forty-eight to seventy-two hours and is completely out of our control. The third factor — advertisements — will be taken care of shortly after this article is posted – so for some of you reading this, this is a non-factor.

One final thing is we had to change some of the content in the gallery’s of the site to comply with the the hosting company’s terms of service. So we have removed all the gallery’s except the ones that are rated “E” for everyone. I can hear some of you doing the Darth Vader “NOOOOOO”, don’t fret we are looking into a possible work around to add this content back to the site without violating the hosting company’s agreements.

So summing up, we moved to a faster and better server, the speed of the site will increase in a day or so, and please report any problems you have with the site either in the comments of this article or through the contact form.


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